Archives This archive page has been
added to handle older web articles from the home page that were posted pre-Oct
Oct 20, 2018 From the Desk of Capt Terry Champion (ret'd) Jack Johnson's

To the Alumni People of Pacific Western Airlines and Canadian Airlines
This authentic 1918 Curtiss JN-4D ‘Jenny’ was the oldest airworthy aircraft in
Canada when it last flew in 2009. It was built by the Curtiss Aeroplane and
Motor Company in Buffalo, New York, in May 1918. During the First World War it
was stationed in Waco, Texas and was used for training pilots. After the war it
was owned and flown in Uruguay by a Hungarian pilot who had flown for Germany
during the war. In 1929 he put the Jenny into storage at his shop in downtown
Montevideo, where it sat until discovered by an American missionary in 1971 and
then repatriated to the United States. Unable to complete the restoration
process, he sold it in 1977 to Capt Jack Johnson (ret’d). 1977. After 21 years
of painstaking work, Jack’s Jenny took to the skies again on July 16, 1998.
The aircraft shown here is 100 years old and is an original, not a replica. The
owner, Capt. Jack Johnson, retired Pacific Western Airlines pilot, has
graciously donated this valuable aircraft to the Alberta Aviation Museum in
Edmonton. This very welcome addition to the Museum's collection was not expected
at this time so the Museum has no budget to develop the appropriate display
space required. We are asking former employees of PWA and Canadian Airlines to
help fund this worthy aviation history project. The museum is also seeking
funding for this project and discussions are being considered for that
organization to make matching funds to our contributions. Any funds left over
will be used to enhance other displays in the historic Alberta Aviation Museum
WW2 hangar. Please mail your cheque to the museum and designate your donation to
"Jack Johnson's Jenny:" Alberta Aviation Museum 11410 - Kingsway Edmonton AB T5G
0X4 OR credit and debit cards will be accepted at (780) 451-1175. Tax receipts
will be issued for the full amount. Your contributions made through the airline
alumni group will be appropriately recognized and incorporated into the Jenny
Thank you, Capt. Terry Champion, (Retired)
Oct 9, 2018 Flight PW3801 Memorial Park Leduc
From the Desk of S. Russell. Good afternoon:
The Lions Park In Leduc was formally opened on the afternoon of October 6, 2016
and the PWA 707 memorial looked really well done.
We estimated there were approx 100 attendees and believe close to half of them
were of PWA heritage. Some photos from the event have been attached. As you will
see in photo 001, the Loadmasters were well represented and having our most
senior LM Jim Menk with us made for a super day. Jim is an amazing 89 years
young and still keeps on the go walking 5 kms per day when the weather is good.
Knut was able to swing by Jim’s place in south Edmonton and bring him out to the
celebration, which worked out very well for everyone.
There were more PWA folks there than we have photos of, but expect you may
recognize the ones we did catch smiling for the camera.
The park and memorial looked great and “ Hats Off “ to the Lions and Leduc and
the many people who assisted them, for making this a reality and by having the
707 memorial included in the park. It shows real respect for the crew and our
PWA heritage, especially for younger folks who have no knowledge of PWA, the
crash or the era of flying cattle, and will learn of it when touring the park in
the years to come.
If you happen to be in Leduc, just south of YEG, please stop in to the Lions
Park and check out the memorial. It will be worth it. Hope you all have a Happy
Thanksgiving! Stu
Sep 27, 2018 - The Electra L-188 in the Arctic

Photo Credit: S. Russell
Sep 25, 2018 - Leduc Memorial Park
These pictures are from the Leduc Memorial Park with a dedication to the Pacific
Western B707-320C crew
who perished in January 1973 on CF-PWZ. The photos
were submitted by and the credit goes to T. Dirsa (TD Coach) of Edmonton who was
instrumental in putting this together. We, the PWA Alumni sincerely
appreciate installing this memorial and and thank you for the dedication to the lost crew
of PW3801.
From T. Dirsa: The sign for the PWA Flight 3801 is now up. They are located
about a 3 minute walk from the park's entrance. Anyone wishing to attend the
park's dedication it will be on Saturday Oct 6th from 1 to 5 pm.
Also - the organizers are trying to contact Cynthia Jung, daughter of Captain
Art Jung. If you have any coordinates, please email the
This is a Google Maps link to the enrance to Leduc Lions Park. The site is below
the C in Leduc on the map.
Some additional information regarding the dedication of the PWA Flight 3801
Arrival time 1pm
Speeches 2pm
Hot Dogs will be available
Sep 22, 2018 - Leduc Memorial Park - Dedication to Crew of B707-320C:
From the desk of S. Russell
Tom Dirsa in Edmonton has been working with the City of Leduc on their plans to
open a memorial park on the site of the Pacific Western 707-320C CF-PWZ that
crashed at the Edmonton International Airport @ 0834Z 02Jan1973. The accident
occurred while attempting to land in a severe winter storm and resulted in a
loss of all crew members. It is my understanding the memorial, with the names,
photos and information on the five crew members (Captain Art Jung / FO Lowell
Doerksen / Flt Eng George Dormer / Loadmaster Keith McMahon / Proj Mgr Bill
Vance) will be officially opened Saturday 06 October between 1300-1700.
Tom will share any additional details on the event and they will be passed on as
soon as they are confirmed.
It is great that our fellow colleagues are being recognized after all this time
and a tribute to the City of Leduc and YEG for their efforts in doing so.
Sep 3, 2018 - Prince Phillip's 1954 visit to British Columbia
From the desk of Neil Burton (YKA), a 1954 article
about Prince Phillip, a Pacific Western Mallard and the visit to British
August 14, 2018 - PWA Reunion Picnic 2018
From the desk of
Glynis Santee. I had a
wonderful time at the PWA reunion yesterday!! Great
to see everyone.
By all accounts, this memorable events was an overwhelming success. Kudo and
thanks to Gale and all the organizers - volunteers who made this happen. Thanks
to Neville Gosling and Gale Brisseau for the photos.
July 10, 2018 - Boeing 737 at Norman Wells.
That is K.Carson enplaning for the trip south. Photo Credit N. Dargie

July 4, 2018 Edmonton Muni Ramp Reunion.
From the desk of Dennis Erickson: History has been made at Fawn Meadows RV
Resort Delburne AB. First annual Pacific Western Airlines YXD ramp reunion has
been held and was very successful with many great airplane stories of properly
loading an airplane on time. In the early 70's, the airline service into
Canada's north was booming. Communities such as Inuvik, Yellowknife, Norman
Wells, Resolute, Cambridge Bay, Uranium City and others saw strong growth. PWA
saw this opportunity and put cargo aircraft such as 732 and later 742, the
727's, Hercules and Lockheed Electra freighter aircraft. It was this ramp crew
that loaded and off loaded tons of cargo, baggage and mail. In terms of tonnage,
it was probably the biggest ramp operation in the system. Add into that the 20+
daily Airbus flights and regular domestic schedule, this crew was some of the
hardest working guys in the system.
June 29, 2018: Map to Hazelmere RV
Reunion Picnic Site taking place August 12, 2018
June 29, 2018 - Boeing 737 - C Model Calgary
Boeing 737-275C C-GBPW parked at YYC from the Rob Rindt collection. Triple
hybrid!Canadian titles, nose cone, and blue belly. America West cheatline, and
PWA tail logo.

June 7, 2018 - A Poem from D. Currie (Capt Ret.)
Behind us there's two hundred faces
Beholding our jet break left
The snapping thunder of our JT 8’s
Has left the odd one, full of breath
What a buzz, 300 feet
Directly over the hotel pool
Everyone looked up, some of them waved
Perhaps someone said, `those fools'
Maybe we were a little low
Though well left of the tall TV antenna
With the plane on its side the logo would show
Advertising is always such a dilemma
The last time I flew out of here
Was ‘71, in slow old red Aeronca
Snapping out of the turn Bob and I split for Mexico
Behind us, West End, Grand Bahama
For the last two days we've been partying back there
We know lots of the people that waved
Fifteen years ago, my plane was 200 knots slower
Back then I wasn't so bold or so brave
But Bob had said, `Let’s do it!'
Which meant a steep turn as soon as we got air
Standing up in front of Captain Fransbergen
We're going to make quite a pair
Rolling right we cleared the palm trees
The wheels went in the wells
The flaps came up and so did our speed
As we roared right over Jack Tar's hotel
I'll never forget all those startled faces
As our Boeing dominated the tranquil scene
Bursting into the blue above the shoreline
Of the Caribbean, placid, emerald green
Sometimes I hate being a co-pilot
Some captains can make you feel below
But as we leave a thousand, I'm way up high
Thank you Bobby Rowe
30 April 1985

June 6, 2018 - Hercules Working in Bangladesh by J. Sproat.

June 5, 2018 - From the Herc Reunion 2004 (by S. Russell)
L-R Garry Mathewson, Cliff Beck, Knut Ohm, Bryan Benay, Ernie Yurkiw, Stu
Russell, Tom Rait, Al Philpott, Harry Beck

March 26, 2018 - Edmonton Industrial (Muni)
Airport YXD in June 1971.
Photo Credit Anthony Hickey, Aviation

February 11, 2018 Unveiling of first Boeing
737 with Marie Hryciw Lass January 1967.
Marie was a F/A 1961 -1967

February 11, 2018 Annual Reports
Mike Wainwright (son of staff member) advises his dad collected numerous PWA
company annual reports dating back to the 50's. If anyone wants them, let me
know. Mike lives in Merritt, BC.
January 28, 2018. Pictures of a/c
740 later to be part of the West Coast Reef. Taken at YYC by Anthony Hickey -
Aviation Photographer
January 28, 2018 - DC-7 Overseas Ops
Regarding the picture of a DC7 in front of a Swissair DC8 on an european airport
and why it might have been there, I can contribute the following:
In July of 1964 I flew on a Pacific Western DC7c from Frankfurt to Toronto via
Shannon and Gander and returned to Frankfurt in August of 1964 on a DC6B. The
flights were chartered by AFS (American Field Service), an international student
exchange organization headquartered in New York, to transport exchange students
between the US and Europe. It was a memorable experience for me and although I
did not follow an aviation career I have been a private pilot for 45 years and
have owned aircraft ever since then.
M. Sutter Granbury, Texas

January 23, 2018 PWA Alumni Staff Reunion
Picnic Get Together - Surrey BC.
From the Desk of Gale Brisseau.
Do We Need a PWA Reunion? - Yes, we do!
Date: Sunday August 12, 2018
Time: 13:00 - 23:00
Place: Hazelmere RV Park
18843 8th Avenue
Surrey, BC
This will be an Alumni ReUnion Picnic Get Together and I have rented the Picnic
Shelter and Group camping and picnic area for the day. If anyone wants to bring
their RV, sites are available to rent, I believe the cost is $50 for the night.
Arrangements to be made at 604 538 1167.
More details will be available later as to jobs for volunteers etc. We are
trying to keep it simple. BYOB/pot luck and i am looking into having a food
truck for people who do not want to bring food. We will need to get an idea of
numbers but i am thinking If we get 100 people the cost will be $10 pp.
I took the pictures below yesterday of the venue so you can get an idea.
Watch this space for updates and further details.
January 23, 2018 - A poem from Capt Dennis
Currie - retired.
PWA Herc Reunion 2011
745 appeared so small as we climbed the maintenance stairs up her starboard side
She seemed hardly much larger than the F 86, sitting in the old XD hanger inside
Wayne and I squeezed into the 737 cockpit, careful not to bang our heads
“I used to think it was bigger than this”, I agreed with what he said
Wayne is in the left seat, I’m in the right
Hung over from drinking Captain’s Rum with Wylee and PJ all night
Wondering if that’s why we felt so at home
Remembering launching in this rocket ship from this ancient aerodrome
Remembering all the great guys we flew with who were gone
Amazed at what we got away with for so long
Knowing if we could just start it, we could fly it all right
If only we hadn’t partied like Herc Rats at the XDI last night
Of course that’s why we came here, to relive the Herc
Hard to imagine all that fun with a C130 was our work
Or that this swept wing jet airplane was another that we flew
Honoured to be, two of the few
To have flown in the High Arctic where Franklin was lost
The historic search that continued for years, no matter the cost
We had won over the frigid weather, searching for oil
A hundred and thirty years later in relative comfort, compared to their toil
Low and over where men had watched their sailing ships crushed
In a Hercules, transversing the same frozen Northwest Passage we rushed
Drilling for black gold to quench our ship’s thirst
So detached from the brave men who staggered through first
To me we were some of the boldest men of our time
Adventurers in the High Arctic, like sailors, but flying
Perhaps it was hard to be humble when you’ve seen the world at the top
Pulled throughout the Canadian Arctic islands by those huge Hercules props
Departing 745 Wayne and I went back into the museum, which we are now a part of
No longer doing that job we most loved
Glad to be here alive to relive it again
Admittedly embarrassed at the times when we had complained
Capt. Wayne Caswell (retired)
Capt. Dennis Currie (retired)
745 C-GIPW (retired)
January 22, 2018 - YVR Reunion Event
Under the guidance of Gale Brisseau, a Summer 2018 Reunion event is being
organized for a TBA location in Vancouver. Watch this space for updates.
December 27, 2017 - Boeing 737-200 Cargo Aircraft courtesy of A. Hickey.
December 6, 2017 Some of the fleet sourced by
D. Dertien.

Curtiss - C46 |

Douglas DC-4C |

B737-200 |

B707-320C |
December 1, 2017 - The Russ Hill Hotel -
Greeting card from the B707, DC-7 and C-130 crew hotel at Gatwick. (by J.
November 18, 2017 - A 737-200 Come Home
An article from the Vancouver Sun. Walt
Lazaruk went to the CA desert and recovered the flight deck of a former PW
Boeing 737, returned it to Richmond BC and built a flight simulator. He now
wants to pass on his creation. (submit by J. Harrowar)
Wanted Loving Home for a Boeing 737 Cockpit and Flight Simulator
November 4, 2017 - From the Desk of Peter Lema.
Memories of the P W A Social Club in Edmonton (YXD)
Throughout the 1960's, 70's and 80's; we had a very active and involved Social
Club at YXD. We had several hundred employees working for the airline; as this
was the main base for Northern Operations. The Club's coffers were always in the
black; all employees were automatically members.....with $1.00 deducted on every
paycheck. In the early years, the Club parties (Spring Break-Up), (Fall
Freeze-up) and (Christmas) parties were held at the old Airliner Hotel or at
dingy Community Halls. By the 1970's, (thanks to Sales Department Ron Moore) we
decided to go "first-class" and start having our parties at the "Mac" (One of
Canada's great Railroad Hotels) (The MacDonald Hotel) The Main Ballroom was all
decked out and the buffet featured Alberta Standing Rib Roast and all the
trimmings..... Don McKenzie and his 12-piece Brass Band provided great
dance music....these were great parties; attracting 350/400 employees and
spouses (all dressed to the "nines") From then on; all parties were booked at
this great location. My daughters (Joanne 15) and (Kathy 13) were the
"coat-check" girls one year at the Christmas Party......putting out a
"cup"......they made a mint; "Let's do it again Dad" !!
Circa 1962, the Social Club came up with the idea of: "A Picnic Day in the
Mountains". Our Chief Executive at that time was: Jim Robins. He gave us the use
of a PWA plane for the day. CF-PWE, a 55 seat C-46 was fueled up by ESSO (for
free)....Captain Dean Maclagan and F/O Mel Neidig donated their
services.....along with 2 flight attendants (Names ?) The event was well
promoted; but we only sold 35 seats.
$5.00 per passenger covered everything......the flight, on a beautiful sunny
Sunday (June 21st); Edmonton-Jasper-Edmonton and a full KFC picnic in Jasper.
Note: this aircraft was the largest ship to ever land at Jasper!!
Some hiked; others biked; others went horse-back riding....while others remained
at the Jasper Swimming Pool with their 'cough-medicine". Dean and Mel put on a
"high-board" diving display at the pool......which was very impressive. We
departed from the Jasper Airport at sunset.....the plane at the very end of the
runway......both engines at full-power.....aircraft shaking......brakes
released.....and we headed down the runway......and perhaps (?) raising the
landing gear to get airborne. We flew over the Columbia Icefields......headed
east to Red Deer......then north to the High Level Bridge and into the
Muni.......(all VFR). The flight deck door remained opened and all got to go
"up-front" to witness the marvels of Aviation.
A memorable day and a memorable flight!!
Peter Lema President
October 21, 2017 - Two posters from the Vancouver Aviation Show PLUS a brass
door cap and the label from a Captains Reserve exclusive Kelowna wine -
contributed by J. Vanderhill
October 15, 2017: Herc on a sand runway (from N. Peterson)
September 15, 2017 Loadmasters
In honour of the recently departed Rod Pilling, the Magnificent Seven, a group
of former PWA loadmasters celebrated his life in Calgary on Aug 12, 2017. From
L-R: Ernie Yurkiw, Knut Ohm, Norm Geiger, Stu Russell, Terry Martin, Glenn
Peters, Wayne Carter

September 2, 2017 Boeing 727 at Edmonton Muni C-1975

August 31, 2017 From Capt. Terry Reece.
Terry made contact with the Webmaster regarding one of our senior flight crew
members: Jean Robert.
Hello: For those old timers. Jean Robert is in Assisted living in Bellingham WA
@ 702 32nd Street, #208 Bellingham, WA. 98225. Jean is battling cancer. He
has lost use of his voice for the main part, but can whisper. His email is: . I know he would appreciate a note. Jean Robert is
now 84. Flew Bristols on the DEW line and L382 Hercules. He lost his eye
on loan to ASA in Africa. Went to Fairbanks. Flew round engines L382. B737
at Interior AIA. Mark Air. He was born on Great Bear Lake and raised by nuns
after his mother died of TB. She was native. Best regards Captain Terry Reece (
Interior, Alaska International, Mark Air)
P. Lema advised he knew Jean Robert c1959. He flew the C46 and the DC-3.

August 28, 2017 - B707 Cargo Ops.
It's Nov 1972 and PWA is flying beef to Europe and bringing Spanish grapes back
to British Columbia.

August 20, 2017 - New Uniforms CSA 1977

August 17, 2017 Pacific Western Tours Prince Andrew.

August 16, 2017 Speedbird: PW-TZ Merge

August 15, 2017 - From the 1979 Annual Report
Aug 6, 2017 - Edmonton
From Ann Bidlock and authored by Michael Bidlock, we have this amazing video of
Ann's retirement party. Definitely a good time by all. Congrats Ann. Watch it
If your player does not work, try this
July 16, 2017 - Looking
for recollections on Thomas Peter Hayes - flight crew 1950's.
From the Desk of Ann Patching - Australia. She is the daughter of a pilot Thomas
Peter Hayes from the 1959 era of the company and wishes to know more about his
life in Canada. Email any
recollections or information you might have.
Wondering if you may be able to help me.
My father was a pilot for Pacific Western in 1959 flying a DHC-Beaver between
the logging camps of British Columbia and Seattle. He would ferry the loggers
from the camps for their breaks and also carried the payroll for the logging
He was an Australian citizen and passed away just over a year ago now. I am
trying to trace his time in the US and Canada as I am coming to scatter his
ashes in Canada, a place which he had wonderful memories of.
I have made numerous enquiries to different Government Departments in both
Canada and the USA but it can take months and months for any information to
arrive, and as yet I have no firm information to start working from.
I am not sure if he lived in Vancouver or Seattle. I do have a photo of the car
he owned at the time but aren’t sure whether it’s a US or Canadian number plate.
I do have a copy of his passport and photographs which have him pictured with
other twin prop Beechcraft A18A (Seaplanes) which were owned by Pacific Western.
Ultimately I would like to know who he worked for, where his work took him and
where he lived, places I would like to see whilst I am there.
When I saw your site I thought that just maybe you might know how I could
further investigate this lead. I do remember that he told us that he had a women
give birth on one of the trips he piloted which I thought maybe someone of that
vintage may have remembered.
I will attach some photos and if there is anything you may be able to do or send
me in the direction of someone who may be able to help I would be so grateful.
I have made contact with an external Canadian researcher in the hope that he
will be happy to work with me on issues relating to immigration etc as I don’t
have the approval to do so living in Australia and because my father has not
been deceased for more than 20 years, which is a Canadian Government
requirement. I have heard nothing back as yet but only reached out a day or so
ago, so will hopefully hear back from them this week.
Below are some photos that may or may not be of any assistance.
Anything you may be able to do to point me in the right direction or help in any
way, would be so graciously appreciated. I am awaiting information from the
Australia Department of Defence (where he was trained as a pilot) with his
pilot’s license number. I don’t even know whether he was able to fly on that
Australian license whilst in the US/Canada or whether he would have needed one
issued by the Department of Civil Aviation in the US/Canada.
I also have a photo which I am getting a copy of which shows my father
standing/getting into the cockpit of a DHC Beaver plane. Although there are no
identification markers on the plane I thought it may jog someone’s memory. I
will forward these 2 items when they arrive
Kindest regards
Annie Patching (Hayes)
Benowa QLD 4217 Australia

Beach 18A Kitimat - photo Thomas Peter Hayes
July 14, 2017 - 1960's
1960's aircraft photos by Ken Fielding at London Gatwick. The Boeing 727-121
would later become fleet number 721 / CF-PXD.
May 30, 2017 -
Yellowknife - early 70's
Sent by L. Chan and found on a YK Memories Forum. Thanks to A. Philpott for
sending the names of the YZF Check-In Agents.

Morris Huculak, Don Clunnie, Dwight Denton
(thanks to all for the hints) |
May 24, 2017 - The Sign
from YMM
This object was found and rescued by Sonny and Deb Hauser and is in the process
of being sent to the Alberta Aviation Museum.

May 19, 2017 - From
Andrew Lindner - Australia.
A collection of mid-1950's pictures of the Grumman Goose and Norseman taken in
the Tahsis area. Sent by Andrew Lindner from Australia (relative of pax).
Attribution of photo(s) to Brigitte Thurandt, who sent them to her brother, Hans
Lindner (text of Hans Lindner hyperlinked to )
Images can be reproduced elsewhere providing attribution above is provided.
May 18, 2017 Resolute Operations c1972.
From TZ Facebook pages; credit
Karri Haybittle-Raffel

TZ Argosy (Cargo) |

PW Hercules, ND B737X, TZ Argosy |

WD Twin Otter, PW Electra Tanker CF-PWQ, TZ Argosy |
May 4, 2017 Edmonton Sales circa 1980

B. Watson, M. Calverley, ______, ______
(Please email the last 2 names if you know them) |

M. Calverley |
May 3, 2017 Air Cargo Operations 1973 at YXD - with credits to S.
Russell and J. Shaw
April 22, 2017 PWA York Aircraft From the desk of John Bloxam.
I was employed as an Aircraft Electrician by PWA in YXD 1957 - 61. The photo
shows Harry Hunter, John Williams, John Bloxham and Norm Lyons. The photo was
most likely taken by Lloyd Erickson in 1957. Submitted by John Bloxham (Powell
River, BC) and still remembering great times on York, DC4’s, DC3’s, C46’s,
Ansons and many smaller A/C. Also spent time on the DEW line at Cambridge Bay
and Pin 1 (Cape Parry).

April 14, 2017 Stampeder Service
From the Desk of Neil Burton. It's Dec 13, 1967, and Pacific Western met with
Kamloops city officials to inaugurate a Vancouver-Kamloops-Calgary air service
which came to be known as The Stampeder. One year later, the airline began
service with the new Boeing 737 aircraft.

April 2, 2017 Liam Hawkins
- Battling the Big Fight
Liam Hawkins worked for Pacific Western and later CDN Air. He and his Cathy took
on ground handling contracts in YMM and YQU. Liam's dad was John Hawkins,
Airport Manager, Transport Canada YZP and his mom Barbara worked at YZP for
Transprovincial Airlines. A super guy whom I met in YZP, he has been
through an ordeal. This fight has been going on for more than a year yet Liam is
holding up. We wish him all the best but a little financial help is something we
all can give.
March 16, 2017 - Whitehorse Charter 1964.

Yvonne Corbiel-Capt Vern Simmonds-Ron Bell- Marie Hryciw Lass-Barbara
Kolody-Joyce Melnychuk. DC6-B originated YXD.
From the desk of Marie Lass Hryciw
March 15, 2017 - Aircraft selection sent by S Russell and D Dertien

B-707-351C CF-PWJ |


DC-3 and DC-3 |

C-130-Echo Bay |

DC-4 YZF |
March 14, 2017 The Website
The webmaster put a question to the members as to whether to retain this website
versus alternate online digital media. The ongoing costs for hosting and domain
services average $225 per year. There was overwhelming support to ensure that
this domain and the content remain active and involved with the history of our
airline. A fundraiser brought in over $500 which will keep this in
business for another couple years. Thanks to the loyal and incredible Pacific
Western Airlines alumni for all of your financial and moral support
February 28, 2017 - Capt. Al
Here’s a photo of Al Smuland, PWA pilot with CF-HEP. It appears this
aircraft was part of the PWA fleet from late 1956 to 1960. From the desk of Neil

February 28, 2017 - Russ Baker - Frank Coulter
Attached is a photo of Russ Baker and Frank Coulter, executives of Pacific
Western Airlines, taken on the south side of Vancouver’s Sea Island Airport.
Photo appeared in the Vancouver Sun in August 1955. Photo was forwarded to
me from Mrs. Smuland, widow of the late A.W. (Al) Smuland (1928 – 2005).
Al was a pilot on the PWA charter base at Fulton Field (Kamloops Airport) from
1955 to the early 1960’s. From the desk of Neil Burton

February 22, 2017 - Monarch 737-200. Photo credit Anthony Hickey

Location: Calgary
Feb 11, 2017 Kamloops Airport Baseball c1978
(picture credit A. Snowie)
Nov 30, 2016 Boeing 767-200 A/C 672 at YYC - Photo courtesy E. Grebinski

Nov 29, 2016 Looking for Sheldon Page
Please contact this
person via email
regarding a non urgent matter.
Nov 12, 2016 - Pacific Western Airlines and
the A320
A posting on Facebook (R. Barry) asked the question of whether PW had considered
operating the A320. The picture of this model was included. A definitive answer
is not known ; but..... The first A320 rolled out at Toulouse in Feb 1987. Also
in the; spring 1987 Canadian Airlines began operations. In order to get a
position on the assembly line, advance lead discussions had to be factored in.
Dennis Merrigan would know to what extent this occurred. At the inception of the
A320, Airbus made the controversial decision to go with fly by wire. CDN took
delivery of their first A320 in April 1991 and it still flies with Air Canada.

Nov 10, 2016 -First woman to pilot a
commercial Canadian airliner honoured in Edmonton
Rosella Bjornson paved the way for
women in the aviation industry
CBC News (click here)

Oct 22, 2016 - B737-200 Toronto C1985

Oct 7, 2016 - Boeing 767-200 On Pushback -
from J. McMillan

Sep 11, 2016 - From the Desk of C. McPherson
Hi there: So glad to find the website for us GOLDIE OLDIE folks from the best
airline that has ever flown! My name is Cathie McPherson and I started out in
YXD IN 1968, started on the DC6, DC6B,and the Electra that had the beds In The
aft plus curtains. A few DC3 flights with Sam GIROUARD. showing me that yes you
could open the flightdeck windows and throw out Kleenex! Then it was going
mostly into the high Arctic, with people like - Francis, Mary Ann , Annie,
Marlene, Marie, Sam, Doug, Joe, Wally on the DC6, Electra, DC4 into Great Bear
Lake fishing charters. Then based for 5 months of summer in YEV, on the Convair,
down to YZF and back to YEV. Working 6 days a week, doing all the grooming and
cleaning then being dropped off at the Inuvik bakery to prepare the trays for
the next day's flights! No extra pay for all of that! No wonder the senior girls
never bid to do those stints! This was while the runway was being installed for
the upcoming jet service! Then it was a few years doing dawn patrol on 732, and
then I decided I should go to YVR to fly overseas. These were often a 10day trip
to Ireland, England, Spain, Austria and so on. Oh my and all we carried was a 21
inch samsonite suitcase with no wheels. How did we do THAT? I returned to YXD so
once again to the ARCTIC, YRB, YCB, YEV doing lots of fishing and oil charters.
There were mostly across the north to Alaska, Whitehorse and managed to be on
the radio charter from YXD Down to Florida to watch the APOLLO 15 blast off. The
crew included Ken Stevens, Gerry Melnyk, Ginger Bradley and Murray Cliff.
Then returned to YVR and flew overseas again with lot of Vegas and Reno flights.
I was on the flight with ART RALPHS flying home, when he called me I to the
flight deck and we watched as Mt. St Helens blew her top! Then my husband and I
(don't know when I had time to find him!) decided to return to YXD where we had
our second son and ONCE again it was the McKenzie and the final 727 flights with
Mary Ann and Bob Crossley. Plus flying with Denis Byrne and Anne Riley that was
almost the end of my career when we put ozonol on the carrot cake for Denis,
knowing he hated the stuff but not aware that the aircraft groomers back in YXD
rooted thru trays and ate what they could find. Oh yes, that was almost our
undoing but somehow we managed to apologize and we kept our jobs! After all that
decided to move back to YVR with my boys and stayed but for only 2 years/ Flew
domestic and then decided Calgary would be a better fit and so I moved once more
and continued on domestic until the end when Canadian began. The cultural shock
was difficult, but somehow we all survived, kept working hard, kept our sense of
humour and did the job we all for the last few years and a good
seniority number, I did overseas with Air Canada. I tried to keep to the
sunny southern destinations. Well, after a long and wonderful career of 40
years I decided with great sadness that I would sit for the final landing in my
jump seat and reflect on what a wonderful life I had had in the only industry I
could have loved so much. It was what I was so blessed to have done all those
years and with all the amazing crews I flew with. What a ride it was! Just
before I end this saga I have been wondering about the fact we could write a
book if enough of us wrote out the stories about growing up in the aviation
industry! Just before we went on the P.W.A. Strike, a group of us were ready to
write a book and had a lot of letters, stories, poetry etc from retired pilots
at that time and really wanted to get it going, but then Canadian was born and
our lives were busier and so it never was done. When the call went out from the
museum a few years ago that they wanted everything we had put away in trunks for
safe keeping, I gave a lot of my stuff to them, as many of you also did. .I
really feel we should write a book, get some of these amazing stories down. We
have lost so many of our people now, and this would be aviation history as it
was in the early days and it is totally unbelievable now. It could even be in
house only. What a challenge it would be, so anyone out there who would be
interested, maybe we should have a REMEMBER WHEN REUNION to jog our memories and
get some stories down.......... With that said, I made my last and best move
July last year with my 2 - four legged friends and now have settled on the
island in beautiful Cobble Hill, and yes I am on the approach to YYJ, so I am
still with the crews on their final approach. CHEERS to all, Cathie P.S. I
DID HAVE 2 huge albums of crew pics, aircraft, and places from day one, but when
the P.W.A. reunion put out the call they wanted pics albums I took mine, BUT,
someone lifted them and I never did get them back which broke my heart. I am
sure there are pics out there we could include? MY email address is
CLICK HERE should anyone out
there not think this is a terrible idea!
Sep 5, 2016 - Lizzie Eschauzier.
We have a fellow retired PWA employee now a resident scholar in Ottawa who is
trying to locate Mrs. Lizzie Eschauzier. She was Ted Ranson’s Secretary at PWA
(CAB Building). She has lived in Abu Dhabi, or possibly Dubai. The reason for
the request for research for a project that her father is familiar with. If you
are in contact with Lizzie, please email the
Aug 25, 2016: At the Muni Boeing 727 photo
credit: C Escott

Aug 23, 2016 -DeHavilland Beaver.
From humble beginnings, the little Canadian Airline would grow into a successful
international wide body carrier.

Aug 9, 2016 -This from Ann Loney Bidlock:
When I started flying, I flew with a lot of young men. We more or less grew up
together. Time passed and those young men aged and moved on. Over the last 10
years I have been flying with some of their progeny. It was fun seeing the
youngsters of the aged. Of course I never viewed myself as getting older! That
is, until last week. I flew with the grandson of Roy Reaville, Kris
Reaville. That sent me racing for a mirror and look at my birth certificate.
Chris had a picture taken of the two of us and maybe he or Roy will have it
posted. I am now cognisant that my youth may be fading and I will be able to see
over the hill sooner rather than later. This is just a heads up that time is
marching on and we along with it. Enjoy now!
Cheers, Ann, Miz B, hey you.
(Webmaster) We would love to have the picture of Kris and Ann taken on this epic
flight but in the meantime, please enjoy 3 generations of pilots sent by Roy
Reaville. Congrats Roy - we are all almost as proud as you are!

The rest of the
story. Here is the picture we have been looking for - when Ann Loney Bidlock had
the pleasure of flying with her new friend Kris Reaville (Roy Reaville). Time
marches on but the world is in good hands.

June 14, 2016 - Hercules Reunion Pictures here
Herc Inn Resolute NWT - Camp was operated
and Managed by Crown Catering - early '70's. Picture from N. Peterson.

May 26, 2016 - from N. Burton
DC-4 Charter News - R.C.A.F Base and Radar Station Closure – Tofino, B.C. “A DC
4 chartered from Pacific Western Airlines carried out the first load of
equipment Wednesday. The airline estimates the plane will need to make 10
flights to Vancouver, three to Edmonton, and one to Cold Lake, Alta., to haul
out the 127 tons of equipment at the base.”
Source: Kamloops Daily Sentinel – 10 January 1958

May 2, 2016 - Winter schedule 1969 - sent by J.
April 23, 2016 - Boeing 727

April 17, 2016 - Air Canada Retro Fleet - a cool idea.

March 13, 2016 - AZ -
Retiree Gathering in Surprise at the Irish Wolfhound Pub.

DC-4: Reg CF-PWD.
Location appears to be YZF

Boeing 727 - CF-PXD
Calgary - Photo Credit Terry Juuti

March 13, 2016
- PWA Alumni Gathering in Arizona
An outing for the PWA and airline people and spouses at 2:00 PM Sunday March 13.
Look for us on the patio at the
Irish Wolfhound Pub
located in Surprise.
Dec 11, 2015 - Leon
Krawchuk - A Small Tribute
Leon Krawchuk started in the late 60's and retired as part of PWA’s maintenance
crew. He was also a part of the flight crew on the B707 from 1968 through to the
sale of the aircraft. Leon retired in the 90's and passed away in September
He started work on the Beavers in Edmonton and moved to BC to start with the 707
service in 1968. Once the 707’s were sold he finished his career as a
maintenance inspector before retirement.
Attached is a photo of Leon in his flight uniform.
Kevin Krawchuk

Dec 5, 2015 - Hercules
Reunion - June 10 to 12, 2016
S. Russell and K. Ohm hard at work putting together this big event scheduled for
next year. If you are interested in more information or would like to attend,
please refer to the Hercules pages
Dec 5, 2015 - CF-PWN in the UK
From Graham Reeve - UK
I found the Pacific Western web-site after looking up CF-PWN having recently
found a picture of the aircraft at Norwich (EGSH). I thought you may be
interested in the attached as it shows the crew with CF-PWN and G-ANMV a Tiger
Moth, which at the time was owned by the Norfolk and Norwich Aero Club. The CFI
of the club is also in the picture. Graham.

L-R: Norwich Air Auth, Joe Gegenbauer, George Chivers on wheel, John Sproat, Pat
November 16, 2015 - Inauguration of the Chieftain
Airbus from Edmonton Journal - N. Burton
Pacific Western’s DC 4 – CHIEFTAIN AIRBUS – To Calgary from
Edmonton Municipal Airport - inaugurated – Wednesday - 22 May 1963.
3 Flights daily, in both directions, except Saturday and Sunday. One-way
fare – $11.00.
The interior design of the aircraft was by Hopping and Kovach and featured a
western motif of hand-carved Indian figures mounted to saddle-tan leather
bulkheads. The cabin also featured complementary featured drapes printed from
Indian design, natural oak rails on clothing racks and carpeting and seating
headrests of the dominant design colours.
Sep 16, 2015 - A Nice
Hangar - this has had several signs on it but this is the original.

July 29, 2015 - Flight
Attendant Ad - Winnipeg Free Press - December 1979

July 24, 2015 - Keeping
Posted 1970 - Submitted by B. Draper
Click here for this
July 15, 2015 - Calgary

June 28, 2015 - PWA in
Arizona Winter 2015 Get Together
We are gathering the names of people / couples who are interested in an
afternoon get together at a place TBA this winter in the Phoenix area. Most
people I have communicated with appear to be in the NW area of the valley.
If you are interested, send an email
along the number of people in your
party and we will get the plan started.
June 25, 2015 - Boeing

May 21, 2014 - The Alircraft of PWA - c1975
(C. Ettinger)

May 13, 2015 - Charter Dept - from S. Barnes

May 13, 2015 - Boeing 767 from C. Ettinger

May 8, 2015 Eunice Robinson
My name is Eunice Robinson, and I started my
airline career with PWA. I worked in Office Services for Doris Toy. Others that
I recall are Jean Bryan, Dorothy Webb, Claudette Watson, Amy Lee, Dianne
Sheehan, Kerry Bryan, Jane Corcoran, Kate Webster, Lynn Foster – and so many
I worked in the Word Processing department in Building 1, YVR where we spent the
days typing up everything from accounting reports, invoices, statements,
training materials, manuals, form letters for the Employment and Accounting
departments, and mechanics work cards. Coworkers were Isla Johnson, Anne Graham,
Liz Connolly, Carlie Madsen.
When PWA purchased CP Air and we became Canadian Airlines, I was still in Word
Processing, then on to Office Services, and ending my career working for
Corporate Real Estate at Air Canada. I retired 30 June 2012, celebrating the end
of my airline history at the PWA Reunion held in Richmond.
I’ve been involved in researching my family history for many years, and one of
the volunteers for the Sea Island Heritage Society – our website is . The aim of
the Sea Island Heritage Society is to capture the stories, memories and
photographs of anyone who lived or worked on Sea Island. I’d like to invite
former PWA employees to share their memories and photos with us. Thanks,
May 8, 2015 - BC Chamber of
Commerce 1983 - Sent by B. Nadeau
Okay fans of the airline that really mattered, here is a photo taken
when Pacific Western Airlines received its Honorary Membership to
the BC Chamber of Commerce at Cranbrook on May 27, 1983. Proudly in
attendance (Left to Right): Colin Lowe CSM Dawson Creek, Pat
Holmberg, Barrie Holmberg CSM Port Hardy, Sharon de Sa, Pat de Sa,
CSM Cranbrook, Graham Mann VP Western Region, Gerda Mann, Terry
Morris (Mugsy my long lost buddy) CSM Terrace, Patty Morris, Blair
Nadeau CSM Smithers......(3 piece suits may come back some day), my
awesome wife Glenys. I am honoured to know every one of these fine
people, all of whom formed the fabric of PWA. I've always been
grateful to Pat for the invitation

May 8, 2015 Chris Ettinger
Just wanted to show all the PWA peeps out there my little collection
of Pacific Western Airlines. If anyone out there has anything they
want to part with so I can add to my collection please let me know.
Even though I never worked for the airline it's always been a big
part of my past. I'm trying to find that 1976 Canadian Aviation
magazine featuring PWA. Love the website and thanks for keeping it
up. Chris Ettinger
April 15, 2015 - DC-4 CF-PWJ A/C 403.
(credit P. Gauthier)
Also used as a backup on the Airbus.

- DCMarch 12, 2015 - Aircraft
from D.D.
Feb 18, 2015 DC-7 Operations to
Refuel in Iceland (R.

Feb 10. 2015 - The first Boeing
Sold to Air Canada then into storage in Mojave CA 2001. Last
found is from 2007

Feb 8, 2015 DC6 Operations in the
Caribbean from Ron Auzins
In 1964 Pacific Western Inaugurated charter services from Vancouver
to the Caribbean and principally Grand Cayman. These pictures
are from a flight to St. Maarten. The F/A are Lori Mann and
Bonnie Ronning.
Feb 1, 2015 Boeing 737 being
catered by Sky Chef YVR

Jan 30, 2015 - Air Cargo Promo
Caused some controversy. Was used briefly on a poster; some
suggested it was HercOps
(submitted by J. Auchie)

Dec 5, 2014 - Vancouver Hangar with
Boeing 727

Oct 19, 2014 -PWA Hercules used to
film Peugot commercial at Banff Springs
Click here to watch.
Stu Russell sent pictures and notes of this L-100 now operating with
First Air.
My colleagues from the Pacific Western Hercules Operation alumni
advised that the Lockheed Hercules used in this commercial was
First Air’s Yellowknife based L100-30 C-GHPW. I flew many trips on
it after PWA bought it new from the factory in Marietta Georgia in
December 1978. Amazing it is still in service running back and forth
to the NWT diamond mines after all these years. All the best. Stu.

15, 2014 -
Acquisition of Canadian Pacific
Air Lines

Oct 10, 2014 - Convair
Advertisement - thanks D.D.
Sep 2, 2014 Canadian North - Dale Hyrve donate missing B737 parts to
Air Museum
The Alberta Aviation Museum has been spared very expensive
replacement costs of stolen plane parts thanks to a donation from
Canadian North airlines After a break-in over the weekend at
Villeneuve Airport where the museum8217s Boeing 737 was on display
thieves made away with an emergency hatch along with structural
support and electrical parts of the plane (See the
full text)
Aug 28, 2014 - Alberta Air Museum - News Release
The details of the break-in we can release have been in the media so
not a lot more I can add while the investigation is ongoing.
I do need to say that our PWA 737 Team here, all ex-airline and the
majority with a PWA connection, have done and are doing a fantastic
The break in was Sunday and the on site investigation carried
through to Monday, Tuesday the 737 team was in the aircraft and able
to provide me with a detailed loss/damage assessment.
The big issues right now are the emergency door and upgrading
security further. Both are well underway. Security was already
substantial on the airport site of the 737 as the aircraft was being
checked several times a week by museum staff and with the assistance
of the people in the Tower, Airport staff and our neighbors on and
around the airport she was under a fairly heavy watch. The 737 also
sits in a high visibility/high traffic area approximately one
hundred and fifty meters behind the airport fence at the Villeneuve
Even so things have being upgraded as we speak with additional
patrol and other measures to overcome this set back; with more on
the way.
The longer term goal is for #745 to become one of the focal points
of the museum's new/second location at Villeneuve in the, hopefully,
not too distant future.
We hope to not just maintain and preserve her but to also get her
back to work as we did at the Kingsway location.
Tours, Education programming, events and we hope to expand into new
areas such as "an introduction to airline travel" for parents and
young children to be introduced to airline travel before their first
The Villieneuve site has been delayed as negotiations, planning
problems and funding time lines have held us up...but we see the
light at the end of the tunnel on those fronts and are planning to
go full throttle in the the near future.
August 27. 2014 A/C 745 Vandalism / Theft
CBC News Edmonton has reported that our B737 was broken into during
the past weekend. You can read the entire report below.
We are asking questions regarding the extent of damage, costs and if
insurance will cover this. Read the
full story..
Someone broke into this PWA Boeing 737 over the
weekend, stealing a number of parts from the vintage plane,
including its emergency door. (Alberta Aviation Museum Association)
Aug 27, 2014 - Boeing 737-200 Fleet Number 749
These pictures were submitted by B. Nadeau taken at YVR Airport
South and on delivery from Boeing 1979
August 18, 2014 - From Newsletter Editor - Alberta Aviation Museum
Received this message from Neal Taylor. I think Al Lema or Nick DeHoog will have
a wealth of knowledge. If you or anyone can share some info and fill in
the blanks about YMM, please email
Neil Taylor
Hi - I am working on an article about the history of aviation
in the Fort McMurray area and I was wondering if you might have any information
on PWA’s involvement with the region in its early years. Is there any way
you can help me out?
July 18,
2014 Malaysia 17
Our thoughts and prayers are with the crew and passengers on MH17.
To the family and friends of the people who were on this flight,
our heartfelt condolences.

June 23, 2014 - Interested in Modelling as a Hobby
An avid modeller in Edmonton has worked with a model decal company
to create a perfect model of the B737 - C-GIPW a/c 745 that is part
of the Edmonton Air Museum. Here is
how to get a set of decals for yourself.
June 2, 2014
New pictures of a/c 740 on its final
May 27, 2014
A/C 745 now parked at Villeneuve Airport NW of Edmonton is settling
down into a not so firm ramp surface and needs to be moved.
The Alberta Aviation Museum and former PWA people in Edmonton are
ensuring our B737 gets proper care. It may be taxied or towed to a
new location.
May 5, 2014 1956 – Air-Bus Operation -DC 3
Pacific Western Airlines
inaugurated its new Patricia Bay Airport (Victoria, B.C.) – Nanaimo
(Cassidy Airport) – Vancouver non-reservation Air-Bus operation at
11 a.m. – 14 January 1956. Crew of the inaugural flight were Captain
Jack Miles, first officer Art Ralphs, chief stewardess Tiny Bacon of
Victoria, and stewardess Eleanor Coward of Sidney, B.C. This
operation would be Patricia Bay’s 2nd mainland link. Equipment on
the run was a DC 3 aircraft.
Chief stewardess Tiny Bacon held a private pilot’s license for over
7 years. Also on the inaugural flight were PWA traffic manager
J.B. “Mickey” McGuire and public relations officer Al Williamson.
PWA’s Victoria ticketing was handled by George Paulin Ltd (customs
brokerage office) on Government Street, while passengers were
transported to the airport by C & C Taxi. At Vancouver, ticketing
could be done at the airport or at PWA’s downtown ticket office at
1148 West Georgia Street. Fares, on the 3 Round Trip Daily service,
were Vancouver-Nanaimo $2.30 one-way ($4.60 return) or
Nanaimo-Victoria $2.30 one-way ($4.60 return).
This operation between Victoria and Nanaimo was shut down on 07 June
followed by the cancellation of the Nanaimo-Vancouver service in
early July 1956, due to lack of passengers.
(All information is from the Victoria Daily Colonist and N. Burton -
April 16, 2014 - Douglas DC-7 to Frankfurt
Hello! My name is Mike. Im writing in the hope that I
might find some help with regard to a DC-7 flight in 1965. My first flight on an
airplane was in August 1965 Im told, at age one. It was on a Pacific Western
DC-7c from YXD to Frankfurt Germany, via Keflavik, Iceland.
I've been trying for some time to determine the registration of the
aircraft on that flight, as I was hoping to have a model built for sentimental
reasons. My parents unfortunately don't have any pictures, but I have an
interesting story that I hope might help in finding out.
While I don't have an exact date in August 1965, my parents tell me
that the aircraft was a DC-7. The first leg was from YXD to Keflavik. On landing
in Keflavik, the airplane apparently had an incident. Damage was minimal,
and after a 16 hour maintenance delay, the airplane was test flown and we
continued on our next leg to Frankfurt.
Several years later, i was on a trip with my family to Hawaii ( age
13 / 1977 ), we were flying on a PWA 707. The pilots kindly opened the flight
deck for visits enroute and I was able to have a look up front. I mentioned to
the pilots, the story about my first flight, and the runway excursion on the
DC-7. The captain said, "Oh, I remember that, it was me flying!"
I have submitted a picture I took of this Captain on the 707 flight
deck. I'm wondering if you, or anyone might recognize this person, or have any
contact information that might be helpful. I know its been a long time and
perhaps the Captain is no longer with us, but if anyone knows this story or has
any connection to a log book or persons involved, I would sincerely appreciate
any help you or others may be able to offer in finding the
registration of
this aircraft from my first flight.
Sincere thanks - MH - from Calgary, AB
appears there were only 2 DC-7C's and that narrows the registrations to CF-NAI
or CF-PWM. We have a name from for the B707 crew member as Captain Reg Scott.
If you have further details on Captain Scott or this Transatlantic service,
please pass them on to the
April 8, 2014
- Capt Harry
Capt Harry Bray - a very accomplished aviator who started Kamloops
Air Service (later bought by PWA) has an unfinished story. In
January of 1947 he flew a rented Tiger Moth on skis onto a snow
covered Azure Lake, north of Clearwater B.C.. His mission - to
rescue a sick trapper - Henry Hogue. The aircraft broke through the
ice, could not be raised and ultimately sank to the bottom. The
remains of the machine were never found by the time Harry died but
that has changed. A few years ago a group of fellows found the plane
but they are running into so much red tape (lake is in Wells Grey
Provincial Park) that the little aircraft may never again see the
light of day although it apparently is in good shape. The lake is
cold and of course fresh water. Updates to come (A. Giolma)
April 1, 2014 - CP Air in YKA
Its a snowy day in 1969 and this route then
belonged to CP Air. A nice picture for this special Day.
Submitted by A Giolma.

March 18, 2014 - B737-200 1/72 model decals

Richard Albert, a model aircraft builder in Edmonton asked for
assistance with decals and PMT graphics to make decals for a model
B737 aircraft in 1/72 scale. It would be identical to A/C745 parked
at Villeneuve. A 1/72 scale B737 is about 6 inches high at the tail.
If you are a model aircraft enthusiast or can assist, email Richard
March 15, 2014 - Aircraft
(Thanks DD)
March 11, 2014 - Web Outage
We have had some measure of return to normal functionality of our
web services. Last week, the Hosting Service located in
Houston updated their Unix Servers with the latest version of Apache
Web Server Software. In the process it knocked out a series of
functional components of the pages including menu, page counters,
shared borders and dynamic web templates. If you notice any
disconnected pages or graphics, please email the webmaster.
Feb 14, 2014 - Captain Harry
Bray, F/O Val Hennell & TBA FA - DC3 Campbell River (Circa

Jan 29, 2014 Stampeder Uniform
This photo is from the Canadian
Aviation Museum in Ottawa. it might be a Studio shot of the
then "Proposed Uniform" The person may be a model but
perhaps not. if anyone can identify her, please email the

We have answers to the identity of the F/A and it is D. Rubin -
thanks to R. Whitehouse and J. Keefe
Jan 29, 2013 - 100 Year Anniversary of the
Airline Industry
From the first flight in 1914, of a single passenger in a float
plane across Tampa Bay, this interactive show tells us all about it
and where the industry is going.
The Guardian
100 Years of Aviation
Dec 29, 2013 - William Lopaschuk
Should you be interested in the flying career of a former CBCA, PWA,
TPA pilot, you might read “They call me Lopey – A Saga of Wilderness
Flying, by William Lopaschuk”. It was first printed in 2009 and
reached it’s third printing in May 2013.
It retails at $19.95, but could possibly be found through
inter-library loan through your local library.
Neil Burton
Dec 12, 2013 - The last flight of
A/C 745
Much has happened in the past few months - get updated
here. A
video of
745 landing at Villeneuve Airport
Curtiss C-46 sent by AJH
"Joe" Collinson

Oct 24, 2013 Info on the
Bellanca Senior Skyrocket
Greetings -
We need your reader's assistance relative to an article I am researching for the
Museum’s newsletter. I am interested in an airplane that was manufactured
by Northwest Industries in Edmonton between 1945 and 1949. The plane in question
is the Bellanca Senior Skyrocket. Only 20 of these airplanes were ever built – 7
by the parent company in the U.S. and 13 by Northwest Industries under licence.
For the article, I am trying to identify the 13 planes that were produced and
what happened to them. I recently came across some information on the internet
that showed two Senior Skyrockets flying for PWA circa 1950. The two planes were
CF-EQQ and CF-EQR. The internet information noted these planes were Model
31-55B’s while Northwest Industries aircraft were commonly designated Model
31-55A’s (I’m not sure why the discrepancy exists).
I was wondering if any of your members might be able to tell me more about
CF-EQQ and CF-EQR – their origins, their use by PWA and their ultimate fate. If
your members know about any other Senior Skyrockets and what happened to them
that would also be of interest (for example, CF-DCE flew for Superior Airways of
Ft. William, Ontario and CF-DCH is on display at the Reynolds Alberta Museum – I
believe it is the last example still in existence).
Again, any help you or your members could provide would be greatly appreciated.
Any responses can be directed to my
Thanks and best wishes,
Neil Taylor
Newsletter Editor
Alberta Aviation Museum
Click this
link and another
link to find both of these aircraft

Update - CF-EQR was originally purchased by Associated
Airways in 1949 and then became part of PWA in 1957 when PWA took over
Associated. PWA then sold it to Basco Aircraft Supplies of Edmonton in 1959 and
it was crashed in 1961 by an individual leasing it from Basco.
CF-EQQ also came from Associated Airways to PWA then was sold to the Clark
family in Meadow Lake, Sask. in 1958.
Oct 4, 2013 - AC 745
We have been in contact with Capt Terry Champion (ret) - Edmonton Aviation
The changes at the Edmonton Muni downtown airport may necessitate that our B737
be flown to Villeneuve in November this year. The aircraft is in near
flying condition and work is being advanced by members and Canadian North.
Keep posted for new developments.
To All Former PWA Employees and Families

As you may have heard, the City intends to close the last
runway November 30th and immediately tear up the runways, taxiways, etc. And the
City refuses to let us expand our boundaries as we thought they would. As a
result, there is insufficient room for the Museum to keep the PWA 737, so it is
important to fly it out sometime in November. At the moment it looks like, with
considerable assistance from Canadian North, the aircraft will be flown to
Villeneuve Additionally, restrictions to our operations, imposed
by the City, could see the Restoration Dept., the Cadets, and most of the other
organizations in the hangar forced out, making it very difficult for the Museum
to operate in a solvent manner.
It is time to let the public know what effect the Cities actions will have on
us, so a public awareness event is planned for Saturday, October 12th from 11:00
to 2:00 PM. There will be a fly-in of light aircraft and the 737 will be opened
to the public. This will be the last time the public will have access to #745
for a long time, perhaps forever. So all members of the PWA family are invited
to join us next Saturday. Group photos will be taken from about 2:00 to 2:30
(bring your cameras!) Lets have a good turnout and let the City know what we
think of their plans. If you wore a uniform, and it still fits, please wear it.
If you are not a Museum member, admission is free for this event, but please
bring some I.D. or something to identify yourselves at the admission desk. Pass
the word around to those who do not have e-mail.
See you on the 12th!
Terry Champion (Capt Retired)
Sep 20, 2013 PM Honours Pilot
Our Capt G. Moul was recognized for his role in the flight to freedom in Uganda
in 1972. Amazing story and thanks C N R Beck. Read the article

Sep 4, 2013 - Russ Baker
Found this picture in a book "Bush Flying to Blind Flying" British
Columbia's Aviation Pioneers 1930-1940 - written by Peter
Corley-Smith. Picture was on page 164 with the caption of: "Russ Baker
with one of the aircraft, a Junkers W-34, of his recently formed Central B.C.
Airways, circa 1947. - Dennis Kennedy

Aug 12, 2013 Don
Watson Tribute
A video
tribute to Don Watson.
July 22, 2013 -
AC752 Retires from Canadian North
Pacific Western began B737 combi operations with AC732, followed by
AC742 then AC752 and so on. That sequence was altered with
AC783 then AC784 which came from Dome Petroleum.
We received news that AC752 retired from service at Canadian North.
Quote - Last flight in commercial operations 14 July 2013 for 752
(flight 445 YZF – YEG) B737-275C - S/N 21294 - Line 481
delivered new to PWA Dec 1976. 81,196.1 hours and 77,008
cycles. Probably one more flight to YRQ where it will be
parted out.
July 21,
Flight Global
did a large section of reference material on
Pacific Western Airlines. Their link is below. Numerous
references are made to our website.
May 31, 2013 New Aircraft Photos
uploaded here - thanks to our
March 22, 2013 Air Transport News Awards
Regional Aircraft Manufacturer of the Year:
Aircraft Manufacturer of the Year: Airbus
Engine Manufacturer of the Year: Rolls-Royce
Ground Handler of the Year: Çelebi Holding
IT Company of the Year: SITA
MRO Company of the Year: Lufthansa Technik
Airline Alliance of the Year: Star Alliance
Airport of the Year under 10 Million Passengers: Rajiv Gandhi
International Airport
Airport of the Year 10-30 Million Passengers: Genève Aéroport
Airport of the Year: Istanbul Ataturk Airport
Cargo Airline of the Year: FedEx
Regional Airline of the Year: SilkAir
Low Cost Airline of the Year: AirAsia
Airline of the Year: Turkish Airlines
George Iatrou Lifetime Achievement Award: Professor Tae Oum,
President, ATRS
Woman of the Year: Angela Gittens, Director General, ACI
Leader of the Year: Raymond Benjamin, Secretary General, ICAO
March 22, 2013 - Stampeder Uniform
This month, the Aviation Museums in both Ottawa and Edmonton, went
on a search for missing components of their display 1970's era
Stampeders Flight Attendant Uniform. We are pleased to say all
of the items have been located but with the help of Terry Champion,
A Bidlock, M Garbencius, G Bradley, E Potts and R. Bertram.
Thanks to all.
March 17, 2013 NEEDED: White cowboy boots from a Stampeder
About 1971 the Company issued Stampeder uniforms to some or all of
the Edmonton based stews (as we used to call them). The outfit
consisted of a blue cowboy hat, white blouse, blue jacket, very
short white skirt, red bloomers, and white cowboy boots. The outfit
was discontinued fairly soon, apparently due to the way it attracted
unwanted advances from male passengers whose inhibitions had been
suppressed by consuming too many beverages. The “girls” didn’t like
the attempts to pull down their bloomers. I heard that at least one
passenger received a knuckle sandwich in return.
The Alberta Aviation Museum, in the big white hangar on Kingsway at
XD, the downtown airport, has a lot of PWA in its collection and
displays, including the 737 #745. Mary Ann Garbencius has donated
her Stampeder uniform for an upcoming display with the theme “Women
in Aviation.” She had retained everything except the boots and has
contacted many F/As hoping to find some boots, but to no avail so
far. If you still have the booklet issued after the wonderful 2002
reunion in Calgary you will see on page 9 a “stew” wearing her
outfit. Can anyone tell me who she is? Can anyone help us find some
boots? The Museum is very interesting and has input from many PWA
volunteers. The Curator is interested in PWA and would like to add
to our PWA archives. Please
contact me if you have an item(s) you
would like to donate and I will discuss it with the Curator. You
would really enjoy a visit, but if you are coming within the next
couple of weeks snowshoes are recommended.
Capt Terry Champion Retired

March 7 - From the Canadian Aviation and Space Museum
As assistant curator
at the Canada Aviation and Space Museum, I am responsible for the
Museum's collection of airline uniforms, which includes many from
PWA. I am working on an article about PWA's late 1960s flight
attendants' uniforms, particularly those worn on the Stampeder
service, and am interested in speaking with people who worked for
PWA in the late 1960s and early 1970s. If you would like
to share your memories of the late 1960s uniforms, and of the
Stampeder service in general, please
contact me
If you have uniforms you would like to donate, please send a note
and description and I will see if it fits in with our programme.
Best regards, Molly McCullough
Assistant Curator - Transport, Aviation
Conservatrice adjointe - Transports, aviation
Canada Aviation and Space Museum
Musée de l'aviation et l'espace du Canada
March 7 - From the Alberta Aviation Museum Edmonton (Article on the
A/C 745 Story)
Here’s the
final version (PDF) of the
In Formation newsletter for March/April 2013 that has the
article on the Alberta Aviation Museum’s 737, C-GIPW. Thanks again
to you and your members for some of the photos and background
information on this aircraft.
Neil Taylor Newsletter Editor, Alberta Aviation Museum
Feb 22, 2013 from L. Hrelia (Stronach)
Hi. I was browsing the internet and found this
wonderful Pacific Western Airlines website. My dad, David Stronach,
was a HERC pilot for PWA for many years. Unfortunately he passed
away in a plane crash on November 21, 1976 in Africa (Lumbumbashi).
I have attached three photos of my dad (2 of the photos are when he
was a pilot with BC Airlines). If anyone has any stories about my
dad, I would appreciate you e-mailing me. He was a wonderful man!
Thank you. Linda (Stronach) Hrelia (email)
Feb 8, 2013 - Alberta Aviation Museum
While not a PWA alumnus, I am interested in the history of one of
the 737-275’s that flew for PWA and later Air Canada – C-GIPW. I am
the newsletter editor for the Alberta Aviation Museum, the current
home of C-GIPW, and I am working on an article about this airplane
for inclusion in our newsletter.
I’m hoping that some of your readers might be able to provide me
with background, stories or photos about C-GIPW, such as where it
flew and when, and whether there were any notable incidents
involving this aircraft. Personnel crew experiences would be great.
I do know that C-GIPW was built in 1979, its serial no. is 21712 and
that its Certificate of Airworthiness was dated March 1, 1979. It
later flew in service for Air Canada upon PWA’s amalgamation with
that carrier. On June 17, 2005 it was delivered to the Alberta
Aviation Museum.
Any information or anecdotes that your readers could pass along for
possible inclusion in the article would be greatly appreciated. I
look forward to hearing from them.
Neil Taylor
Newsletter Editor
Alberta Aviation Museum
Any info you may have, please pass it along. Some topics might be - what
paint scheme was 745 delivered in and did it ever carry its current livery.
How may more B737 did PWA take delivery of after 745. Was there anything
special with the engine specifications - EOW or GTOW that made it
different or anything in particular you may recall. Please email Neil
Thanks from the Webmaster.
Feb 7, 2013 -THE
Just to let you know of a PWA project which has started. Colm Egan
and myself, Gordon Wilson, are writing a book called THE ARCTIC HERC
be published in 2014 by Amberley Publishing of Stroud, England. We
are both former PWA employees and want to preserve this part of
Canadian aviation history. We will be seeking information on the
Hercules operation shortly when we establish a communication
website. Read the
prologue here.
Regards, Gordon
Update on Quicket - we have the original
document promo for this product. Read the story in
Nov 2012 - Lifetime Achievement Award for Alumni
Read the article
here. Congratulations Lynne.
Oct 2012 - Keeping Posted from January 1970
I am attaching 3 photo's of the crew from a
scan from Pacific Western Airlines Keeping Posted 1970 January
Edition and the AMA round the world Charter. Isle passed away
in Edmonton this month - Garth Caron.
The Crew:
Captain Art Bell
First Officer Alex McTavish
Engineer Moe Sangster
Navigator Cliff Beck
Purser Gil Tsui
Purser Ole Damsgaard
FIt. Attendants:
Isle Buffi
Corry Van Vliet
Dianne Paradee
Oct 11, 2012 - From Kory Down
Hi, my name is Kory Down – I worked as Jack Moul’s
secretary in Contract and Charter for 4 years 1968 – 1972. I actually started
with the Law Department – I believe his name was Wilson. But your picture of Val
Hennell reminded me that he and Brian Bourne were lost in a DC-3 south of Port
Hardy. There were others lost – Edmonton and Africa – all working charter
flights. And all very nice men. I also worked with Rhys Eyton who
later took over managing the airline. And I remember Don Watson and his daughter
Sharon. Too many wonderful memories. Probably long before your time, but all
part of a wonderful history that I am proud to have been part of. Kory
Oct 11, 2012 - From Germany
Hi there - I was a Flight
Attendant based in YXD over period from 1969 to 1975. People would know me
as Paquita Lamacraft (Kellaway) and I am currently a Senior Business Consultant
at Hewlett Packard, Germany. Great site…lots of memories. I would
like to
reconnnect with some of
my former colleagues. I include some pics of my new travelling companion
Balu the 4 month old Chow Chow in front of a Porsche from the Porsche Museum (he
had just been greeted Dr Wolfgang Porsche himself). This was just taken on my
birthday last week in Zell am See in Austria. The other was taken in Dresden
last year. Please let me know if there is another reunion.
Cheers Paquita Lamacraft

Sep 13, 2012 - Peter Lougheed
With the passing of the RH Peter Lougheed, we the alumni
of Pacific Western Airlines must pause to reflect on Mr Lougheed and the
Alberta Government and their role in our history. I remember it well. One
concern was how involved they would be in the management of the business, but
they stayed at arms length and we moved forward with the growth that the '70's
brought. Mr Lougheed and the cabinet ministers travelled frequently on the
Airbus. Some requested forward seats to assist them with their schedules.
At the time we operated over 14 B737 in each direction between Calgary and
Edmonton. The cost savings to the government coffers for using commercial
carrier service over their private charters must have been significant.
PWA was endowed with many acronyms some nicer that others but the best one was -
Peter's White Airplanes. I think many of us thought of Mr. Lougheed
as a staff member and should truly be remembered as one of us. Thank you
Peter Lougheed!
Here is a biography from
CTV News
July 1, 2012 From B. Nadeau with D. Watson
I attended the
Canadian Aviation Hall of Fame induction Dinner in
Montreal last week. During the evening I had the occasion to chat and have a
photo with Don and Gisella Watson. During the event, Don was named Chairman
Emeritus of the Hall of Fame. Great,memorable evening.
Sadly Mr. Watson passed in June 2013

May 2, 2012 - From SEA Operations
I am a former airline employee (Braniff). I was
transferred to Seattle in 1973, to handle Pacific Western Airlines Flights at
SEA. You folks were a great airline! Best people in the industry I ever met. I
left Braniff, after being "bit by the flying bug". Went back to University and
US Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC). The USAF began a massive
drawdown after the Vietnam war, and I was told "no active duty, no flight
training! and I was told, after making some announcements on a PA system, I had
what it took to become a newscaster. I have been in the business in the US ever
since. Have also logged a lot of flight time in everything from Pipers/Cessna's
and F16s etc: Retired from US Air Force Auxiliary as officer/public affairs.
Have a great day Dennis Crowley
Dennis worked with Lew Stannard CSM SEA where he handled flights of Convairs,
Electra, and once in a while a B737 or B707.
The DC7 - International
Operations -
Joe Kapeller.
In response to the DC7B Video submitted by Cliff Beck, I would like to add a
little history for the web pages.
PWA started overseas operations in 1964 with DC6B’s and DC7’s. This endeavour
was lead by Captain Henry Schindler. Later that year, management, when
considering how best to retain their market share, decided to obtain 2 DC7C’s
for the 1965 program.
PWA operated the 2 DC7C’s on overseas charter flights from 1965 to 1968
** CF-PWM, EX KLM (Designated Seven Seas**) -
** Capacity
** 102 PAX + 4 F/A's, and up to 5 cockpit crew.
** MTOW 143.000 lbs
** MAX FUEL 45,770 lbs.
** Max Landing Weight 110,000 lbs.
this aircraft was
an improved long-range variant with a non-stop transatlantic capability,
improved 3400hp (2540kW) R-3350 engines and increased fuel capacity mainly in
longer wings, 121 built. - from Wikipedia
March 12, 2012 - Stu Russell sends
The last commercial flight of the Hercules.
March 12, 2012
- 1963 and 1970 Executive Org Chart (from J. Kapeller)

March 12, 2012
Here is a check ride on a DC-7 - very interesting (from C.
The Good Ol' Days
Feb 18, 2012 Some New Aircraft
DD - thx)
Dec 2011 - A letter from one of the PW Pioneers.
My name is Ron Hilde. I was hired by Frank Coulter in 1962 as a VFR Sales Rep
for PWA. The employment was Agent Representative and dispatcher office person
for the Floatplane operations at Prince George under Jack Moul. This was
extended to include the Prince George Hudson Hope Operations with an office at
the YXS Airport. An other duties at that time include a three week stint as
flight steward because no stewardess was available for three weeks. Two of the
DC 3 Pilots were Art Ralphs and Hal Emerson. I would act as agent in Prince
George then fly as Steward to Hudson Hope and the act as agent in Hudson Hope
until the return flight later in the Day. All flights out of Prince George were
coordinated to connect with CPA's flights in and out of Prince George.
This lasted until the C46 was brought into operations. The C46 would fly YVR YXS
and take on passengers from PG. I was still VFR Representative for the float
plane base as well. I have Photos and Videos of all our operations in Prince
George and Hudson Hope. Do l qualify as Alumni??. In my collection of Photos I
have a black Beech D 17 on the then docks in Prince George. The time frame for
Bakers Beechcraft dose fit. My brother Bill worked as an aircraft engineer for
PWA as engineer on float planes and then worked for CPA on their DC 3's that
were based in PG in late 60's .I am presently retired and research aviation
history for PG and the interior as a hobby.
Feb 2011 - We are found in
strange places. A strip by Vic Lee - 2012 Pardon My Planet carried this cartoon

Thanks to J Harrowar
Oct 31, 2011 - A Rare Find
The webmaster was contacted by a gentleman named E. Derek Styles who sent a
photo (below) of a rare aircraft. The picture was taken in 1954 at
Lakelse, BC (near Terrace). Through a client G. Robinson - Managing
Partner Aviation at Jones Brown Inc,
we now have the exact aircraft details:
Airframe Family: Beech 17 Staggerwing / C-43/GB Traveler
Latest Model: Beechcraft SD17S Staggerwing
Construction Number: 3186
Last Civil Registration: CF-HSK
Latest Owner or Location: David Harrington, Salmon Arm, BC

This type of aircraft was used to start Central BC Airways in 1946. We do
not know if this is that aircraft.
Also thanks to Capt. B. Thornton (retired), D. Kennedy and S. Russell for correctly identifying the
Oct 9, 2011
We had an inquiry from the
Canada Aviation
and Space Museum / Musée de l'aviation et l'espace du Canada in Ottawa regard
items that were part of the FA Stampeder Uniform. Through the assistance
of T. Champion and A. Bidlock we were able to confirm 1 of the 2 items.
The museum advised they do collect airline uniforms but under these terms:
"We certainly might be interested. I would have to handle any potential
donation on a case-by- case basis. For each potential donation we look at,
among other things, the history of that object, its condition, and whether or
not we already have it represented in the Museum's collection. Please encourage
anyone who is interested in donating to the Museum to contact me."
You can email M. McCullough is
you wish to make a donation.
Oct 6, 2011
Some great videos from the past -
thanks to Heather and Corey
Industry Updates - Aug - Sep - Oct 2011
Air Canada announces a checked Baggage Fee on US Transborder flights
Boeing 787 receives permission to fly.
Passenger deplaned for baggy pants
Singapore Airlines new First Class
Westjet codes
Shares with Emirates
ANA takes delivery of B787

Oct 2, 2011 -
Our speedy B707 - PWV at Gatwick and a C640 in Edmonton and B727 in Vancouver
thanks DD
Sep 18, 2011: From humble
beginnings to an International Air Carrier.

July 15, 2011
New Aircraft from the collection of D Dertien
May 30 ,
Many moons ago. As an employee of DIAMANG (Companhia de Diamantes de Angola) I
had the opportunity of working (I was the chief tower operator) and even flying
with PWA's crews in and out of DUNDO, Angola to places like Malawi, Cameroons,
Ivory Coast and Lisbon. I will always keep very found memories of your crews and
the wonderful work they have done during a time when the risks were
almost immeasurable and the improvisations were many and always difficult. If
any of the old guys still remembers me I am sending my salute to all.
Louis Mendes-Fernandes (email)
Apr 4, 2011 - Nostalgia

The two flight attendants in this CV-640
flight crew picture taken in Campbell River have been identified as Marilyn
Moore (left) and Jean
Ringham (right), Carl Fowler {Station Manager} and Captain
Val Hennell and F/O Frank Lote... We may find the name of the elderly fellow in
an article someday. Thanks to F Lote and and D Dertien
Herc Reunion 2011 - A Great Success

Sep 24, 2010
An interesting link about one of our B727's - C-FPXD. Who owned it and who
owns it now.
Aircraft History |
N1727T |
Trans International Airlines |
1968-04-16 |
N1727T |
Braniff |
1972-10-22 |
Leased |
Pacific Western Airlines |
1974-02-07 |
Panarctic Oil |
1976-02 |
Leased |
Echo Bay Mines |
1984-08-19 |
Royal Aviation |
1999-04-01 |
Leased |
Corporation Air |
199-00-09 |
First Air |
2004-02-02 |
S9-PST |
Transafrik International |
2006-04-01 |
Sep 24, 2010
The fleet
registration. Also available in Aircraft
for download. With thanks to the authors |
Sep 13, 2010 - Maybe they need experienced airline people also?
LONDON - Boeing 747 jumbo jets are being brought out of desert storage as
surging bookings spur carriers including British Airways,
Cathay Pacific Airways and United Airlines, to return their biggest planes to
active duty.
British Airways will restore a second 747-400 to its winter timetable in October
after recalling one in May for use on its London-New York route.
United brought a jumbo out of storage in California in June for deployment to
Asia, London and Frankfurt. And Cathay Pacific has reinstated five freighters.
Wide-body planes accounted for about 25 percent of the 200 aircraft retrieved
from storage in May and June as carriers sought to tap rising demand for
long-haul trips and a leap in cargo shipments.
The number of 747s recalled in June exceeded those mothballed for the first time
since January 2009, data compiled by aviation consultant
Ascend Worldwide Ltd. shows.
"Everybody is getting very excited about passenger and cargo volumes coming
back, but there's a great temptation to add too much capacity," said Chris
an independent airline analyst and strategy consultant in London who has
followed the industry for almost three decades.
"What may be rational fleet decisions for individual airlines can add up to a
problem for the industry when taken together."
London-based British Airways and Hong Kong's Cathay Pacific have both idled
planes near Victorville on the southern edge of the
Mojave Desert in California. Arid locations are favoured for storage because the
hot, dry conditions hamper corrosion.
Of the 112 jumbos mothballed since the start of last year, 40 have yet to be
recalled, according to figures from Ascend.
Deutsche Lufthansa, Europe's second-biggest airline, is looking to reactive a
single jumbo stored in Germany after returning
about a dozen short-haul planes and smaller wide-bodies to service, spokesman
Peter Schneckenleitner said.
The carrier has yet to decide where to deploy the jetliner.
June 26, 2010 - Airline of the Year Awards
The airline business in some ways has become a bigger challenge than ever.
The space between profit and loss is so close that a few bad months can have
unrecoverable consequences. The brave people in today's airline industry press
onward to work with today's realities, security issues, crowded skies,
deregulation and labour contracts. Despite these challenges, they still find the
time to not only do a good job, but to excel.
The top 10 places in the 2010 Airline of the Year :
1. Asiana Airlines
2. Singapore Airlines
3. Qatar Airways
4. Cathay Pacific
5. Air New Zealand
6. Etihad Airways
7. Qantas Airways
8. Emirates
9. Thai Airways
10. Malaysia Airlines
... and there is more. I would like to think that we contributed in some
ways to this distinction. It is well deserved.
Air Canada has been ranked 'Best Airline North America'
in a worldwide survey of more than 17 million air as announced in Hamburg,
Germany at the Skytrax World Airline Awards. The survey was conducted by Skytrax
between July 2009 and April 2010 using over 38 different aspects of passenger
satisfaction to rank airline product and service standards. This annual survey
is regarded in the air transportation industry as a primary benchmarking tool
for passenger satisfaction levels of airlines throughout the world.
May 6, 2010
An interesting article about mergers including the PW ones from David Tait,
travel writer. David once worked at US Virgin Airways,
Wardair, Laker, Air Florida (pre-Virgin) and Air Canada.
Here (thanks to Grant O)
March 29, 2010
DD submitted new Boeing AC pictures. The B727 is taken at the Muni. I
think if one of these landed in downtown Edmonton today, there might be quite a
reaction from the local citizenry. Also DD sent a fleet of new B727 pictures now
loaded into the aircraft gallery. Thanks

March 14, 2010
The website moved over this weekend to a new and more suitable hosting
service. Links and pages are still being updated. The aircraft
photo gallery is rebuilt and is in new sections. We really lack B767 photos. If you see any dead links, or have
new contributions, please email the
March 5, 2010
I would like to submit for all to enjoy a photo taken at sunrise on YVR ramp in
the spring of 1978 just before the Convairs were retired. The photo was taken by
Sejer Hansen who returned to his native Denmark years ago but took many photos
around the airport, mostly of PWA aircraft so credit goes to him.I was with the
company 1975 -2001 YVR ramp ,lost and found and reservations as well. I hope you
like it, regards, Alan Giolma.

Jan 15, 2010
Haiti needs our help. Please donate to the Canadian Red Cross or a charity of
your choice to support the victims of the earth quake disaster. The Red
Cross is an excellent charity with one of the highest percentage of
donations going directly to where help is needed
12, 2010 - Online Aircraft Museum
link sent by B Gibson
For you aircraft buffs, this is a keeper. Want to check out almost any airplane
ever built in the World? Old, new, military, civilian? You will be amazed at
what has been done in airplane design. The amount of info available is
Where do you want to go:

Route Map Late '70s
1, 2009
Chris E: - Hey guys just wanted say the new website looks great! Seeing some
the old photos of the 737's sure does take me back to a world that at the time
was a nicer place to live in. Now all we need are some more 767 pics. Again
fantastic job and kudos to all ex PWA employees that not only put their hard
work into their jobs but their passion too. Pacific Western Airlines will always
hold a special place in my heart and its folks like you guys that help keep it
there. Thank you. Again from a loyal customer and fan. Chris sends this picture
from one of the annual reports.

update from E Gray on A/C 732.
Don't know if this is of any value or not? I was reading through traces and
found the article on A/C 732. I had the privilege of doing the last flight on
732 which was from YVR to Everett Washington ( Boeing Field ) to deliver it to
it's new owners which I believe was an Irish company that was to lease or sell
it to Nigeria Airways. Total hours after delivered was 27615.4 and 40266
landings Capt. Ed Gray F/O Keith Martinson and Harry Powell a PWA rep? PS the
nose ski was removed and in the cargo bay.
July 8, 2009
photo from D. Dertien of a DC-7 in Europe. If anyone has the story on the role
of the DC-7 in overseas operations, it would be interesting to add to this

March 21, 2009 - AC739
From Ian Broni PC Pilots Ireland
I just thought you might like to know that former Canadian 737-275 C-GAPW has
found a new home in life - after having been scrapped it's nose section was sold
off and ended up back in Canada before finally finding a new home in Shannon,
Ireland, with Atlantic AirVenture as a Boeing 737NG simulator. Have a look at
and look under Simulators. I have attached two photo's taken within the last
week after I went have flight in her new role - the first is myself (on the
left) along with Terry McGee and we both run a flight simulation group based in
Ireland with members worldwide - including Canada.
March 9, 2009
It has been 30 years since the PWA - TZ Merger (Jan - Feb 1979)
...... The Great West Connection..
...... Now Approaching: The Great West Connection (Starting up February 4th).
...... Up to 35% off Clan Gatherings on the Great West Connection (Economizer
...... The Great West Connection.
...... Join Us On the Great West Connection.
...... Connect the Dots on the Great West Connection.
Thanks for the tip N. Burton
9, 2009
I was surprised and delighted to come across the Pacific Western Web site. I
flew as a Steward and Purser on PWA for a number of years (1970 to 1975). I
recall bouncing around on the Convair, the Electra, B737, B727 and the B707. I
have many wonderful memories (and stories) of those days. I was so lucky to
have flown with this airline and to have gotten to know so many wonderful folks
who worked there. I would gladly go back to those wonderful days. Your site
has brought back these memories for me.
Thank you and those who support this wonderful PWA site - keep up the good
Richard A Price
Remarketing Director
Channel Development
16, 2008
Check out the the only

Here's a shot of Karen Gillespie and her DeHavilland Tiger Moth that was rebuilt
by Transair in 1979 and spent the last 29 years in the Western Canada Aviation
Museum. Karen acquired the airplane and is actively flying it from her own grass
airstrip south of Saskatoon. Karen worked for Transair/ Pacific
Western/Canadian /Canadian Regional from 1978 to 1999 in Winnipeg and
Saskatoon. The last pilot flying a Transair aircraft! FLY ON!
Our pages were referenced in the Air Canada Netletter twice and thank you for
that. We have updates on marine life on the reef,
See the people section and get your name in now. As of May 14, 2008, you will
find 311 former employees with 9053 years of service. See the section called
Traces. Topics for this section include people, events, and projects that
took place during the life of Pacific Western Airlines that have left Traces in
history. We have topics on on America West Airlines, Quicket and A/C 732. We
need your contributions, please send them to the webmaster. Peter Lema has
provided us with Intro To Flight with a follow-up from Mel Crothers.
1, 2008
Stu Russell sent some interesting information on the Lockheed L-188 Electra. PWA
operated 4 of these in the 1970's. These aircraft really proved their worth in
Arctic Operations. A variant of the Electra is flown by several Armed Forces as
an offshore patrol aircraft. Nordair used the Electra for ice patrol. Here is
a Wikipedia link that tells the whole story.
These aircraft were registered to PWA
MSN 1127 - N7141C / NATIONAL AIRLINES / PWA CF-ZSR --- TAIL 181 - opt as a COMBI
MSN 1128 - N7142C / NATIONAL AIRLINES / PWA CF-ZST ---- TAIL 182 - opt as a
MSN 1035 - N5001K / WESTERN AIRLINES / PWA CF-PWG - TAIL 183 - opt as FULL PAX
MSN 1064 - N5003K / WESTERN AIRLINES / PWA CF-PWQ - TAIL 184 - opt as a TANKER
(Check out this picture)
A/C 183 was very a comfortable passenger aircraft with a large U shaped lounge
in the AFT. The nickname for the tanker A/C 184 was the Silver Bullet .
History of the Airline
Pacific Western Airlines was a pioneer in the aviation history and known for its
ability to profitably operate short haul air routes. The company had a proud
culture of highly motivated young employees who saw great things in their
futures. The company raised profits and reserves and eventually formed Canadian
Airlines in 1987. It came to pass that Air Canada took over the entities that
Pacific Western Airlines had created.
Pacific Western Airlines was founded by Russ Baker, in Fort St. James, B.C., in
With a leased Beech bi-plane, Mr. Baker provided air service to remote mining
camps and logging operations in the North, delivering men and materials to
isolated destinations.
The Company was known as Central British Columbia Airways Ltd. and, from the
beginning, had a reputation for on-time service, knowledge and ingenuity.
It was in 1949 that Central B.C. Airways was commissioned to do aerial surveys
for the giant aluminum and power complexes at Kitimat and Kemano in the rugged
mountainous backcountry of British Columbia. During the development of this
project, Central B.C. Airways handled 95% of the air support, consisting mainly
of heavy industrial freight and workers.
Between 1949 and 1952, the Company acquired seven other smaller flying services.
With each acquisition, the Company expanded its base of operations, providing
the much needed manpower and equipment necessary to maintain a rapidly expanding
air service. These companies included Associated Air Taxi, Kamloops Air Service,
Skeena Air Transport, Whitehorse Flying Services and Port Alberni Airways.
In 1953, the Company adopted the name Pacific Western Airlines, the beginning of
another important era. Additional companies were acquired, such as Queen
Charlotte Airlines in 1955, giving the Company a foothold in scheduled services,
and Associated Airways in 1955, leading to a vital contract in the construction
of the Distant Early Warning line in Canada’s north.
In 1958, Russ Baker died but the airline he founded with his Beech bi-plane in
1946 was thriving.

year later, in 1959, Pacific Western was part of the largest single transfer of
scheduled services in Canadian aviation history. In that year, Canadian Pacific
Airlines released licensed routes from Edmonton to 18 points in Northern Alberta
and the Northwest Territories. With this transfer, in addition to its existing
routes, Pacific Western was licensed to provide scheduled air services over
approximately 7,000 miles throughout Western and Northern Canada.
At this point in time, the Company acquired a reputation for innovation and
aggressiveness by developing several unique services for freight customers and
passengers alike.
The Calgary-Edmonton Airbus was inaugurated in 1963, with passengers carrying
their luggage to the aircraft and depositing it on the ramp for loading. A
ticket agent on board a 66-seat DC-4 would then collect the fare during the
55-minute flight.
When the Airbus first started, it was estimated that it would take ten years to
move one million passengers. That goal was reached in less than eight years.
1964 marked the introduction of another unique service known as Inclusive Tour
Charter programmes. This was another first for Canada, with excursion flights
from Vancouver to Grand Cayman Islands. Later in the same year, Pacific Western
pioneered group charters across the Atlantic, mainly to the United Kingdom.
In 1966, in anticipation of a regional air policy for Canada, Pacific Western
began placing orders for jet and jet-prop equipment. The regional policy became
a reality in 1968, and the Company was able to add many more ports of call to
the already long list of destinations in Western Canada. Services at this point
stretched from the Pacific Northwest to the Arctic Archipelago.
Boeing 707 equipment was added to the fleet in 1967, and Inclusive Tour
programmes were introduced to Mexico and Hawaii in the winter, with several
European destinations for the summer. The addition of a cargo model Boeing 707
meant that livestock and perishables could now be carried all over the world,
and the name Pacific Western became synonymous with “World Air Cargo”. The
Company aircraft visited more than 90 countries during this period of time.
Pacific Western operated a world wide Boeing 707 cargo and passenger charter
program until the last aircraft was sold in 1979.
In 1967, Pacific Western became the first commercial operator of the Lockheed
Hercules freighter. The Hercules were initially acquired to support Canada’s
extensive search for energy and minerals in Northern Canada. Then, following the
Spring ice break-up, the Hercules would rejoin the main cargo fleet in
world-wide operations. Diverse cargoes included everything from 21,000 kilos of
dimes to 20,000 kilos of Christmas cake, and a shipment of electronic equipment
to the People’s Republic of China, the first commercial air shipment to that
In November 1968, the Company introduced “jet service” on its scheduled route
system with the delivery of its first Boeing 737. Pacific Western was the first
Canadian carrier to order the 737 aircraft. The “Stampeder Service” linking
Alberta and B.C. began on December 17, 1968.
Another transfer of licensing authority from CP Airlines to Pacific Western
provided the Company with routes throughout the Interior of B.C. in 1969, and
the acquisition and control of B.C. Airlines in 1970 enabled the Company to
supply expanded air service to routes in the B.C. Interior and on the coast.
With equipment such as the DC-4, DC-6, Convair 640, Lockheed Electra, Boeing 727
and Boeing 737, Pacific Western provided scheduled air service throughout B.C.,
Alberta and the Northwest Territories.
As the 1970’s progressed, the airline’s equipment varied and the Company began a
fleet rationalization programme, concentrating on the 117-seat Boeing 737 as the
backbone of the mainline fleet. By the late 1970’s, the Company operated an
all-jet mainline fleet.
In 1974, the Alberta Government assumed ownership of Pacific Western Airlines to
assure the development of the North and Western Canada, returning the airline to
the private sector in 1983.
In 1978, the Company acquired the regional carrier Transair Ltd. of Winnipeg. In
February 1979, in an agreement with the Canadian Transport Commission, Transair
ceased all scheduled operations east of Winnipeg and Calgary/Edmonton via Regina
and Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. This linked the Pacific Western/Transair systems,
completing the first step to eventual merger. On December 1, 1979, all operating
licenses and routes were transferred to Pacific Western Airlines and Transair
ceased as a regional carrier.
Like Pacific Western, Transair was comprised of several companies. Their history
dated back to 1947 with the founding of Central Northern Airways. In 1956, a
merger between Central Northern Airways and Arctic Wings created the name
Transair. The most significant of various amalgamations during the years took
place in 1969 when Transair and Midwest Airlines combined their operations to
form a diversified regional carrier serving prairie Canada to Toronto and the
By 1986 Pacific Western was the largest airline in Western Canada, carrying over
3 million passengers per year. In ’86, joint marketing agreements were signed
with local service carriers – Calm Air of Thompson, Manitoba and Time Air of
Lethbridge, Alberta, under the Pacific Western Spirit Program. Pacific Western
employed nearly 3,000 people throughout Western Canada and Ontario.
Organizational changes in 1986 established a formal structural relationship
between the holding Company, Pacific Western Airlines Corporation, and the
airline operating company, Pacific Western Airlines Ltd.
On December 2, 1986, PWA Corporation announced its intention to purchase
Canadian Pacific Air Lines for $300 million, effective February 1, 1987